About Emily Burnett

Hello from your fellow dreamer. I'm so happy you're here.

I’m Emily, a former money mess and lifelong dreamer.

I went from broke ($50K of debt, living paycheck to paycheck, no savings) to leaving corporate to take my own wild leaps to pursue a more intentional, creative life.

I’m an author, maker, and former tech marketing technologist turned intentional money+work consultant and speaker.

What I'm into:
Making stuff—websites, books, products, courses.
Traveling/meeting people and hearing stories.
Writing and speaking.
Reading. Often and widely.
Being real.
Good roots: family, faith, minimalist leanings, budgeting.
Improvement and asking good questions of myself and others.
Some things I'm not into:
Making things boring that could be fun.
Being cold in offices. Well, offices in general.
Clapping and cheering on command.
Shallow conversations about status things.
Pretending to be interested in things I'm not. I'm very interested in people and stories, but not all that interested in data and evidence-based approaches to the human experience which often end up dehumanizing the magic of it all.