🎉 The Magic In Your Money is now open for enrollment until Tuesday, 2/28 at 6:00pm MST. Course starts March 3 🎉

Hey dreamer! Ready to be more of a doer? Your meaningful life awaits.

A meaningful life doesn't happen by chance, but by choice. If you've got a dream in your heart, it's time to start doing some small and big things about it.

Join a growing community of dreamers at More to Your Life. It's my Substack newsletter for dreamers about work, money, and living a life of purpose, connection, and adventure.

No spam around here, just emails you hopefully thoroughly enjoy. Unsubscribe at any time.

Readers say the nicest things.

Join hundreds of entrepreneurs, therapists, corporate employees, psychologists, VPs, financial planners, stay-at-home moms, retired people, artists, medical professionals, and dreamers just like you—people who are bent on living on purpose.
“I've been loving your emails. They're totally helping me move through some money scripts and blocks so I can really get the most out of my financial planner.”

Natasha H
“Your vulnerability is so amazing, honest and relatable. You're going first and so inspire me to walk into my own next seasons.”

Kim C
“I love reading your emails—so much! Your story inspires me as I navigate my dreams.”

Rachel R
“Gosh, you are inspiring me to get off the wish-fence and down to digging into the work that has grounded my practice. Keep me on your list...please!”

Cecile L


I help people live + work on-purpose by simplifying and developing happy roots. You can dream bigger, create more freely, and be more you when you've got great roots.

More about Emily

I’m Emily Burnett, author, former tech/corporate, dreamer→doer, and intentional life + money enthusiast.

I’ve coached and written widely about the money and life, and have seen how every truly happy life involves good roots.

I’m on a mission to inspire more intention and life in the way we make money (how about enjoying it?), spend it, and really live our one and only lives.
Emily is the author of Dear Fellow Spender. Her next book, Dear Fellow Dreamer, will be released in 2024.
More about Emily →

Dear Fellow Spender

What readers are saying about Dear Fellow Spender: Enjoy Using Your Money to Get Out of Debt, Build Savings, and Create a Life You Love:

It felt like I was having a money conversation with a best friend who wants to empower me to take control, not only my money, but of my life.
This book is a must for anyone stuck in that vicious cycle of accruing debt and ignoring their bank accounts. You won’t regret it!
Truly the first time any advice about "budgeting" resonated with me.

Why "moso"?

Moso (pronounced "mo-so") is a type of bamboo which grows slowly at first. Once its roots are developed and it reaches a height of a couple feet, it starts growing several inches a day. Cool, right? Moso Mode is all about helping you get and keep your roots right so you can have more fun and growth, baby, grow.


Money Mirror and Money Moves™️

Should you save for retirement? Pay down debt? Pay off debt? Invest? Save? What if you just feel bad with money in general?

This curated assessment brings you into the most important conversation about money you'll have—with yourself. Your customized results include: personalized feedback, journal prompts, and specific money moves to consider.

Learning where to start is the perfect place to start making a happier money life possible.

1:1 Money Coaching

Now is a great time to start taking care of your money.

"See Your Way to $10K" Workbook

This workbook captures the process I followed to get myself out of debt to the tune of $50,000.

This is a great option for those who can't (currently!) afford private coaching, the DIY-er who prefers working solo, or the person just warming up to doing money differently.

Digital download.
Buy Workbook

There is no replacement for tailored support, encouragement, and accountability through this process. Coaching with me is fun, instructive, compassionate, challenging in all the necessary ways, and full of celebration for all your exciting progress.

The focus of my coaching is on reframing budgeting, making peace with where you are right now, and seeing how possible your goals are as you get on purpose with your money.

  • Surface all your spending.
  • Make peace with where you really are right now.
  • Identify your unique triggers, blind spots, and spending traps.
  • Identify opportunities to simplify accounts and priorities.
  • Map out how realistically you can reach your goals.
  • Reframe budgeting as something wonderful and teach you what actually works now and in the future.

Book a free "Money Chat" to learn more and to see if we're a fit!

Book a free call

Get on the newsletter.

I send 1-2 emails each week with tips for intentional money and intentional life, stories from travels and life, news, and current offers. Would love to have you onboard!